HILL’S SCIENCE PLAN Perfect Weight Large Breed Adult dog food with Chicken provides delicious, clinically proven nutrition to reach & maintain a healthy weight. Our high protein, high fiber formula enriched with L-carnitine & coconut oil helps support pets’ metabolism. Produced from natural ingredients and chicken flavored taste, provide your dog with the ideal weight management and muscles maintenance food and see the results!
Product Features:
- Medium Kibble size perfect for adult dogs, Chicken flavor
- Safe & effective weight loss with visible results
- Healthy weight maintenance & long-lasting weight support
- Prebiotic fibers for gentle digestion
- Supports muscle maintenance
Technical details:
Size available: 12 kg
Kibble size: approx. 7 x 17.5 mm
Pet life stage: Adult dogs 1+ years of age that require fewer calories
Breed recommendation: Large dog breeds
Not recommended for Puppies, pregnant, or nursing dogs.