Hill’s Science Plan Sensitive Stomach & Skin Medium Adult dog food with chicken supports digestive health with prebiotic fiber. It is produced specially formulated to fuel the energy needs of dogs during the prime of their life. Made with high-grade and easy-to-digest ingredients, includes Vitamin E & Omega-6 for skin nourishment and the development of a beautiful coat. Hill’s science plan is precisely prepared to offer your dog the nutrition he needs for lifelong health and happiness.
Product Features:
- Kibble size perfect for medium adult dog breeds, Chicken flavor
- High digestibility for optimal nutrient absorption & easier stool pick-up
- Vitamin E & Omega-6 for skin nourishment
- Prebiotic fiber to fuel beneficial gut bacteria & support a balanced microbiome
- Promotes beautiful coat.
Technical details:
Sizes available: 2.5 kg, 14 kg
Kibble size: approx. 5 x 12.5 mm
Pet life stage: Adult dogs 1 – 6 years of age.
Breed recommendation: Medium size dog breeds
Not recommended for Puppies, pregnant or nursing dogs, or mature adult dogs