Hill’s Science Plan PERFECT DIGESTION MEDIUM Adult dog food with Chicken & Brown Rice Contains ActivBiome+ 1, a Hill’s exclusive blend of prebiotics to help rapidly nourish & balance your pet’s unique microbiome. A highly tasty meal with key ingredients of turkey meal, maize, wheat, brewers’ rice and combined with minerals, dried beet pulp, flaxseed, dried citrus pulp, dried cranberries. Improves regular & healthy stools with our own special blend of prebiotics. Hill’s science plan is precisely prepared to offer your dog the nutrition he needs for lifelong health and happiness.
Product Features:
- Supports ultimate digestive well-being & healthy microbiome
- Promotes regular & healthy stools with our own special blend of prebiotics
- Delicious food with oats & barley provides balanced nutrition for overall wellness to help your pet feel their best
Technical details:
Sizes available: 2.5 kg, 14 kg
Kibble size: 12.5 x 5 mm
Pet life stage: Adult dogs 1 – 6 years to help keep their digestion in balance.
Breed recommendation: Medium dog breeds
Not recommended for: Puppies, adult dogs ages 7+, pregnant or nursing dogs. During pregnancy or nursing, dogs should be switched to Hill’s Science Plan Puppy food.